Alen Sultanic – Automatic Clients & Bonuses Download 2023 (Premium)


Alen Sultanic – Automatic Clients & Bonuses

File details overview
Name Details
File Name Alen Sultanic – Automatic Clients & Bonuses
File size 13.8 GB
Publisher Alen Sultanic
update and Published 2023

Automatic Clients is a counterintuitive approach to selling high -ticket coaching and consulting programs. We create low-price high-value products and services which allow us to acquire customers at break-even (free) and then we ascend those customers into becoming high-ticket clients.

This is done through the ascension framework which uses the awareness bridge to turn low-dollar customers into $5,000+ high-ticket clients within 7 days of a sale on average.


Before we created the Automatic Clients model – we were using webinars and other methods to acquire high-ticket clients, and eventually those methods stopped working due to the economics not backing out.

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Part 1

Part 2

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