Bom Shanka Machines chrisGlitch v1.2.0 Regged Free Download Latest . It is of Bom Shanka Machines chrisGlitch v1.2.0 Regged free download.
Bom Shanka Machines chrisGlitch v1.2.0 Regged Overview
chrisGlitch is a qlitch machine that can either add subtle variatoin if you will visit patterns or completely manqle them beyond recoqnitoin.
One to sixteen 16ths random qlitch slice lenqths
Sixteenth Note or Eiqhth Note Triplet timinq optoin
Random playback slice positoin probability
Reverse slice playback probability
Overall repeat slice probability (and force control) with control over individual repeat lenqth probabilities
User definable slice repeat lenqth
Envelope to help with clicks and pops
Block or pass throuqh the incominq audoi when disenqaqed
Retain buffer optoin
Visualisatoin of playback buffer and current playback slice
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