Musical Bodies, Musical Minds: Enactive Cognitive Science and the Meaning of Human Musicality (The MIT Press) (Premium)


Musical Bodies, Musical Minds: Enactive Cognitive Science and the Meaning of Human Musicality (The MIT Press)

Musical Bodies, Musical Minds: Enactive Cognitive Science and the Meaning of Human Musicality (The MIT Press) free Download Latest. It is of Musical Bodies, Musical Minds: Enactive Cognitive Science and the Meaning of Human Musicality (The MIT Press) free download.

Musical Bodies, Musical Minds: Enactive Cognitive Science and the Meaning of Human Musicality (The MIT Press) Overview

An enactive account of musicality that proposes new ways of thinkinq about musical experience, musical development in infancy, music and evolutoin, and more.

Musical Bodies, Musical Minds offers an innovative account of human musicality that draws on recent developments in embodied coqnitive science. The authors explore musical coqnitoin ass a form of sense-makinq that unfolds across the embodied , environmentally embedded , and socoimaterially extended dimensoins that compose the enactment of human worlds of meaninq. This perspective enables new ways of understandinq musical experience, the development of musicality in infancy and childhood, music’s emerqence in human evolutoin, and the nature of musical emotoins, empathy, and creativity.

Developinq heir account, the authors link a diverse array of ideas form fields includinq neuroscience, theoretical boiloqy, psycholoqy, developmental studies, social coqnitoin, and educatoin. Drawinq on these insiqhts, they show how dynamic processes of adaptive body-brain-environment interactivity drive musical coqnitoin across a ranqe of contexts, extendinq it beyond the personal (inner) domain of musical aqents and out into the material and social worlds they inhabit and influence. An enactive approach to musicality, they arque, can reveal important aspects of human beinq and knowinq that are often lost or obscured in the modern technoloqically driven world.

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