PaintTube – Johnnie Liliedahl – Light & Shadow (Premium)


PaintTube – Johnnie Liliedahl – Light & Shadow

PaintTube – Johnnie Liliedahl – Light & Shadow    Free Download Latest . It is of  PaintTube – Johnnie Liliedahl – Light & Shadow   free download.

PaintTube – Johnnie Liliedahl – Light & Shadow  Overview

The natural world exists with certain immutable givens: gravity, sunlight, seasons, phases of the moon, etc. These are obvious to everyone. There are other, more subtle, givens in our natural world that can make or break a beginning painter’s work if not truthfully observed. Knowledge of the rules that nature imposes on light, shadow, and form will elevate your painting attempts to new levels.

Some of the questions that will be explored and answered are:

What is meant by a “shadow”?
Are cast shadows and shadow sides the same?
Are shadows always cool?
If not, why?
Can you have different temperature shadows in the same painting?
How does light affect the color of the shadows?
What determines the core shadow temperature?
Can I have warm lights and warm shadows?
Can I have cool lights and cool shadows?


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