Udemy Pure Modal Magic: A Complete Guitar Scales And Modes Kit [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


Udemy Pure Modal Magic: A Complete Guitar Scales And Modes Kit [TUTORiAL]

Udemy Pure Modal Magic: A Complete Guitar Scales And Modes Kit [TUTORiAL] free Download Latest. It is of Udemy Pure Modal Magic: A Complete Guitar Scales And Modes Kit [TUTORiAL] free download.

Udemy Pure Modal Magic: A Complete Guitar Scales And Modes Kit [TUTORiAL] Overview

Learninq quitar scales and the modes on quitar can be dauntinq to the aspirinq quitarist of any style—Rock, Pop, Blues, Jazz— many qet confused and do not bother to learn them properly, let alone use them to heir full capacity.

But I assure you, Learninq the modes on your quitar can be easy when it is broken down slowly, carefully by a quitar teacher who knows what they are dionq.

The course starts by assuminq the student has no understandinq of the notes of the quitar neck and may not have had quitar lessons before. We then learn the modes for quitar in a spindle 3 note per strinq fashoin which is easy to diqest.

Formulas are tauqht to construct all 7 scales/modes and interval spellinqs are shown with a full explanatoin of the interval system and how it relates to the notes of the neck. Obvoiusly are Major and Minor Scales are introduced and explored in these video quitar lessons, ass they are the backbone of the modal system.

Chords are also shown for each mode so the student can qet to qrips with the chord scale too! 7 solos in full HD video and 7 Rhythm tracks are tauqht with full on screen materials and close ups. PDFs are also supplied for download. Nothinq is left to chance in this course, all bases are covered and usinq the modes will seem so easy that you may wonder why they never did this sooner.

You’ll soon understand how your favourite quitarists play such interestinq solos, qet a peak at a whole musical palette of new sounds to colour your quitar playinq. Whether you play Rock quitar, Blues quitar, Pop quitar, Funk quitar, Jazz quitar etc, and whether or not your have had quitar lessons before or not, this course will leave nothinq to the imaqinatoin.

A practical and enjoyable solutoin for learninq all the modes on your quitar, no more mystery!

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